More Examples

List available algorithms

from dimep.api import available

Mock a trace

# mock a single-channel EMG signal
from numpy import random
trace = random.randn(1000)
# >>> (1000,)

and subsequently call one (or all) of the algorithms on this mock trace, where the trace is the single-channel EMG recording, tms_sampleidx marks the onset of the TMS pulse and fs is the sampling rate.

Call all implemented algorithms at once

from dimep.api import all
all(trace, tms_sampleidx=500)
# >>> {'chen': 0.0,
#       'bawa': 5.805498168821509,
#       'bradnam': 0.0,
#       'guggenberger': 0.11904591308664515,
#       'lewis': 0.0,
#       'loyda': 0.0,
#       'odergren': 0.0,
#       'rotenberg': 26.662225635355707,
#       'summers': 0.349919002236347,
#       'wassermann': 0.7782071535040253,
#       'zewdie': 0.0,
#       'ziemann': 0.0}

Access a specific algorithm

from dimep.api import <algorithm>

Call a specific algorithm

For example, the threshold based approach by Lewis (2007)

from dimep.api import lewis
lewis(trace=trace, tms_sampleidx= 500, fs = 1000)
# >>> 0.0

or the template based approach by Guggenberger (2021):

from dimep.api import guggenberger
guggenberger(trace=trace, tms_sampleidx= 500, fs = 1000)
# >>> 0.11904591308664515